Vet Wound Aid - Sárakrem
K9 Hundar

Vet Wound Aid - Sárakrem

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Wound Aid er bakteríudrepandi smyrsl með græðandi eiginleikum sem má bera á skurði, sár, múkk hjá hestum og fleiri áverka eða húðertingar. Kremið hefur framúrskarandi bakteríudrepandi eiginleika sem hjálpa til við lækningarferlið á bæði sýktum og ósýktum skurðum. Wound Aid veitir rakajafnvægi, vítamín og verndar húð og feld. 

Helstu virku innihaldsefnin eru shea butter, Allantoin, B5 vitamin og Kunzea oil.

ATH! Endursöluaðilar, þessi vara fæst hjá: 


Wound Aid is an antibacterial ointment with healing properties to be applied on cuts, scrapes, chafes, dry cracks and many other kinds of injuries and skin irritations. It has an excellent antibacterial property that helps with the healing process of both infected and uninfected cuts. It can be applied all over the animal, including directly onto all kinds of skin problems and irritations. Wound Aid hydrates, moisturises and protects the skin and fur, whilst providing additional vitamins. The main active ingredients are Shea butter, Allantoin, B5 vitamin and Kunzea oil.

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