K9 Eco Power wash - þvottaefni
K9 Iceland

K9 Eco Power wash - þvottaefni

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Eco Power Wash eyðir óæskilegri lykt og er náttúrulegt þvottaefni fyrir íþróttafatnað, gervi trefjar, hrossaábreiður, teppi, hundabæli, töskum o.fl. Frábært fyrir viðkvæma húð. Eyðir vondri lykt djúpt í trefjunum og veitir hrein og fersk föt með því að brjóta niður lyktarsameindirnar á áhrifaríkan hátt.

Þvotta hiti 30°– 60°og 30° við handþvott. Skammtur er 0.5 dl miðað við þvott. Virkar á öll efni, þar með talið ull. Má einnig nota í saltvatni.

Innihald : Nonionic surfactants 15–30%, complexing agent < 3 %, perfume <0.2%, <0.1%, preservative: Methylchloroisothiazolinone & methylisothiazolinone.

ATH! Stærri einingar þarf að sérpanta í gegnum k9competition.ice@gmail.com

ECO POWER WASH is an odor removal natural detergent for sportswear, artificial fibers, horse covers, blankets, dog beds, bags, etc. Excellent for sensitive skin. Eliminates bad odor “fiber-deep” and provides clean and fresh clothes by effectively breaking down the odor molecules. Excellent for all clothes. No need for rinse aid.

Washing temperature: 30°–60° and 30° hand wash. Dosage 0.5 dl/wash. Works on all materials, including wool. Can also be used in saltwater.

Specifications: BIOLOGICAL EASY BREAKDOWN / NATURAL, PHOSPHATE-FREE. Plastic bottle recyclable plastic (PE)

Content: Nonionic surfactants 15–30%, complexing agent < 3 %, perfume <0.2%, <0.1%, preservative: Methylchloroisothiazolinone & methylisothiazolinone.

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